Superfood 101 - Sweet Potato

Ehhhh GUYS!

I am starting a new series :D !! 

I will share all about the super foods i've discovered over the years. I literally have my fridge filled with these amazing nutritional yummy food! Now I'm not the cleanest eater out there but my theory is no matter what you eat outside … always try to fill your fridge/grocery with healthy ingredients! that way when you're home, you are stuck with nothing but good food :) 

So #TIP1 - always buy healthy groceries to store at home so you're forced to eat healthy at least when you are at home :) 

Sweet Potato

My latest obsession! I've been hearing about sweet potatoes for a while now… I finally gave in to this 'IT' food of the moment … and now I'm officially hooked! I'm sweet potatoing allday err day

Im super into learning about what food does to our body. It's amazing to know how beneficial something so raw and organic and simple can be to your body (actually even your mind and soul)

Sweet potatoes hold a ton of benefits for our body! here are some! 

-Great Antioxidant! - what you need for BEAUTIFUL supple SKIN ;)  (anti-aging)
-Healing food - helps in collagen production - hello glowyy face!! and bye-bye scars (anti-aging again!)
-Vitamin D - gives you GOOD VIBES! - good for your hormones -> good mood 
-Eating sweet potatoes gives you balanced energy - no starch or sugar rush like from white pasta/white bread 
-Excellent anti-cancer food!
-Awesome Detox food - helps cleanse our track/gut from all the heavy metals you might have consumed over the years
-Anti-Inflamatory - GOOD to know when PMSing! especially if you have a track infection/painful cramps
-Magnesium - Anti-stress - Key MINERAL - for healthy bones! (if you are dairy free) - Dark chocolate is rich in Magnesium ! - so this holds the same benefit as dark chocolate! - HEALTHY FOR HEART!
-Contains IRON - as good as the leafy vegetables! - good for our nails and hair :) 
-Vitamins B 1,2,3 and 6!! 
-Contains Biotin!!!! - for FLAWLESS SKIN!
-Vitamin C (helps in bone/tooth/blood cells formation) 

Best way to cook a sweet potato to ripe its full benefits:


My favourite way is to 

-boil the sweet potato 
-add some Mediterranean sea salt and some white onions to a frying pan 
-toss those babies on the frying pan with some indian spices - to kick up the benefits even more! 

-Eat it by itself as a whole meal or as a side with some leafy greens 

yummy, delicious, favlourful and healthy!

There are tons of other simple, fun, yummy and BADASS ways to cook sweet potatoes! including:

-Sweet potato fries/wedges
-Baked Sweet potato crisps/chips 
-Sweet potato noodle/spaghetti 
-Patty - for burgers <3 yum! 
